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Marketing strategy

7 Ways To Make Your Emails More Effective

Email marketing is an important part of any business strategy. It’s a great way to stay in touch with customers, build trust and create long-lasting relationships with your clients. In fact, 92% of businesses claim that email marketing is effective at generating leads, and nearly half say that it has increased their company revenue.

Whether you’re looking for new clients or trying to keep in touch with current ones, this guide will show you how to use email marketing effectively. But it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

email marketing tips

Here are seven tips to help you make email marketing more effective:

1. Decide the motive of email marketing

Start by asking yourself what you want to accomplish. Do you want to generate leads? Or do you just want to send a message? If you want to generate leads, then you need to focus on creating a compelling offer. You should also consider whether you want to sell products or services.

2. Email Marketing Automation

Use email builder software to create responsive email using nicely built templates and also to send out autoresponders after each email is sent. This will allow you to follow-up with your subscribers and make sure they are getting the information that you promised.  Be consistent, once you’ve set up an automated system to send out your messages, stick to it. In order to make sure that your email is being received clearly, make sure that it has a easy to read font style and text size. Otherwise, you’ll lose credibility.

3. Create a clear call to action

This means making sure that people understand exactly what you want them to do when they click through to your website. The most common example of a clear call to action is a button that says “Click here to sign up for our newsletter.”  “Register for our free course”. For example, if you’re selling a product, make sure it’s something that people need and matches with your audience niche. In addition to being short, make sure that your calls to action are clear. They should tell people what they need to do next.

4. Include relevant images

People respond better to visual presentation than text alone in email or any type of marketing. So, try to include at least one image in every email that you are going to send. It does not have to be fancy; it can simply be a photo of your product or service that you want to promote.

5. Keep it short

Don’t go into too much detail in your email. People are more likely to skim emails rather than read them carefully. So keep your emails concise and to the point.  Typos and grammatical errors can easily be spotted by people and will make you look unprofessional.

6. Add a subject line

Test different subject lines in your email. Different subject lines will help you determine what works best for your audience. After 24 hours of all your emails are delivered measure results. Track how well each subject line performed. Then, use those numbers to improve future campaigns.

7. Create an Opt-In List

If you’re looking to grow your email list, opt-in forms are the best way to go. You can use these forms to collect emails from interested subscribers, so you can then send them relevant content or offer.


Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your customers, create long lasting relationships, and generate leads. The key to email marketing success is to make sure that you are offering the right type of content at the right time to your customers.